M. Night Fans

Glass: More Scenes to Be Shot Soon

Filming was formally wrapped on December 4, 2017, but according to Night’s most recent tweet, he has more scenes to film in Philadelphia that the team intentionally kept out of the main shoot.

Details as to what Night will be filming are obviously not divulged. Back in November 2017, Tracking Board reported that Adam David Thompson, whose credit include ‘Godless’ and ‘Mozart in the Jungle’ was hired, though in an undisclosed role. If I have to guess, I’d say Night has a few pivotal scenes to film with Thompson.

Glass connects the world of ‘Unbreakable’ and ‘Split’ and is scheduled for release on January 18. 2019. The marketing of the project might begin when it’s close to Summer time. There’s still plenty of time to unleash this beast. Stay tuned!

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