New Last Airbender Photos and Screenshots from Empire Mag

The Last Airbender is one of my most anticipated films of 2010, and not just because M. Night Shyamalan directed it.  I’m a big fan of the series, and have watched the entire run a few times.  Now, courtesy of comes pictures of some incredible stuff we’re going to be seeing in the film.  Seriously, this is going to be epic.

the-last-airbender-photo-avatar-fight the-last-airbender-photo-aang shyamalan-on-the-set

-via Last Airbender Fans


  1. Lol. Awesome. I totally forgot to post the story here yesterday. I think it’s cause you moved on from cutenews. I still have to get used to wordpress.

  2. Man. I just can’t wait. Excellent source material + excellent director + excellent cast, of which the starring kid actually knows martial arts= Epicness.!!!

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