Radaronline.com has a short photo gallery that provides a good look at M. Night’s $8 million home in Philadelphia.
The 22-room mansion has two office spaces, a fitness room, a heated pool, spa, and a 20-foot slate waterfall.
Shyamalan is reportedly moving from this home to a 123-acre former Rockefeller estate outside Philadelphia, which he bought in 2005 for $17.9 million.
View the photo gallery here:
Photo Gallery of M. Night’s Philly Home
Inspiration for Specter and his future wife when they build their home?
Great find Ben! Did Specter run into $18 million recently? :tongue:
Thanks, Teddy. 🙂 Let's hope that Specter ran into some $$ recently – maybe contributors to this web site — including most recently added contributors — will receive tickets for Friday the 13th, June 2008. :tongue:
Haha… I wish I ran into that much cash. My company isn't doing too bad, and hopefully my investments do well. 😉
that house is so awesome!
Nice little shack. It has that cozy, don't-touch-anything-because-if-you-break-it-yo
u'll-be-in-debt-forever look about it. 😉