Out doing press for “The Last Airbender”, filmmaker M. Night Shyamalan tells MTV News he’s still open to the idea of doing a sequel to his superhero-themed feature “Unbreakable”.
“If I think of the right story — and by that I mean something that resonates with me right now, you know, at my age and where I am and what movie I’ve come off of — if I can do that, then I’ll get really excited and I’ll write a draft and I’ll go beg Disney for us to be able to make it” said Shyamalan.
Source: www.darkhorizon.com
Wow, so by this, he doesn’t own the rights to actually make sequels to his films. Disney owns the sequel rights to Unbreakable, then… does that mean they could just make a sequel themselves?
Not much of an update. Lol. At least it confirms his new project isn’t Unbreakable 2.
I know. It means that Disney can turn on the green light on it anytime they want to. I rather see M.Night involved with the project as an writer and director.