Entertainment Weekly names its picks for Breakout Stars of 2004, which includes The Village’s Bryce Dallas Howard!
AGE 23
HOMETOWN Greenwich, Conn.
HER BREAKOUT MOMENT Tapped by M. Night Shyamalan for the lead in The Village, the stage actress opened eyes with her stirring portrayal of a brave blind girl – and, better yet, earned a Hollywood credit that doesn’t include the words ‘’Ron Howard’s kid.’’
HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BREAK OUT? ‘’Whenever I hear the word ‘breakout,’ I associate it with acne.’’ Sorry about that.
GETTING ALONG FAMOUSLY ‘’I’ve been recognized maybe three or four times since The Village,’’ she says. ‘’It wasn’t strange because I’m used to it just from walking around with my pops.’’
PASS THE ANTIOXIDANTS ‘’I will never reach the success that my dad has felt. He’s 50 years old and he’s been working in the business for 48 years,’’ she says with a laugh. ‘’I’d have to be 180 to get to where he is!’’
WHAT’S NEXT Taking over Nicole Kidman’s part in Lars von Trier’s Dogville sequel, Manderlay, out next year.
– Joshua Rich