At you can find out more about the roles these actors are playing that Shyamalan is keeping otherwise secret.
Cindy Cheung has perhaps the most pivotal and memorable role as Lin Lao Choi, a young Korean woman who manages to balance her Asian heritage with modern American culture. At almost six feet and heavy-set, Lin Lao is an imposing, yet warm, presence.
The other major role is Jeffrey Wright’s Mr. Dury, a friend Giamatti’s character and father to a 10-year-old boy, who is initially skeptical of the “sea nymph” found in the pool but comes around towards the end in an important way.
The rest of the cast shapes up as such: Rodriguez as Freddy, a local mechanic; Balaban as Mr. Farber, a nebbish journalist who’s new to the building; Choudhury as Anna, an Indian woman who serves as comic relief; and, Hurt as Mrs. Bell, a sort of “cat lady” who’d rather trust her animals than humans.
Thanks to Valerie
Spoiler warnings, please!