Here’s the main selling points of the review:
Buy it… if you’re intrigued by the idea of James Newton Howard’s darkly romantic writing expanded to the ultimate in complexly harmonic layers, memorable themes, and the balanced mix of superior orchestration and choral beauty.
Avoid it… if you’re a sourpuss or a pickle puss, and you’d rather be clubbed over the head by far more simplistic scores.
You reallyhave to admire M. Night Shyamalan for speaking on behalf of the contemporary fantasy genre in Hollywood today. The world of the supernatural has been well represented by his wildly imaginative films,and while the horror genre has never been too far separated from his projects, his newest project, Lady in the Water, is more of a straight fable than his usual affair.
James Newton Howard/M. Night Shyamalan is the greatest Composer/Director relationship outhere today!! JNH better not get snubed on the Oscar again!!!
This score really is AMAZING, I got it yesterday, it's just breathtaking. I agree with Dr. Malcom Crowe, JNH was robbed for The Village. I couldn't even remember the music for Finding Neverland, and then it won…